Harmony, Cambria, San Simeon, Ragged Point

Items related to transportation will be placed here, included proposed SLOCOG transportation priorities, trail proposals, safety issues within the community, etc.
Schedule for Road Repair Activities in SLO County
Kristine Fox (Publisher of CambriaCA.org) has provided some very useful information for road repair activities:
"If you are interested in viewing the schedule for road repair in the County (in Cambria, the very dangerous situation in Pine Knolls with both Pine Knolls Drive and Hillcrest Drive in serious disrepair), you can use this County tool to keep up with current schedules for repair work."
SLOCOG Proposed Funding Initiative
Funds Allocated to Cambria:
Cambria $10M - Road Repairs, Safety and Congestion Improvements to Burton, Ardath, Main, Windsor, Highway 1
Funds Allocated to Other/Unincorporated:
Other/Unincorporated $11 M
Road Repairs and Safety Improvements for all North Coast Unincorporated areas $6 M
Community Road Safety & Congestion Improvements $5M
Safe Routes to School
Public Transit for Seniors, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans
Review full Draft Investment Plan Here, https://www.localroadsfirst.com/copy-of-faqs
Safe Walkways
Link to discussion on safe walkways in Cambria, HERE.