Harmony, Cambria, San Simeon, Ragged Point
Contact Info for the SLO County Sheriff’s office
See the County Sheriff’s contact page, https://www.slosheriff.org/contact.php to contact various divisions of the Sheriff’s office
For Emergencies, as always, call 911
For non-emergencies, or if you’re unsure about what type of report to submit, call the sheriff’s dispatch at (805) 781-4550
For non-emergencies, The Public Safety Citizens Service Portal is available at http://report.citizenserviceportal.com/home/agency?agencycode=sloso . This will lead you to the most appropriate area for your online report (e.g., vandalism, graffiti, etc.)
Good Neighbor Letter
A link to the "Good Neighbor" letter, provided by Beautify Cambria, which asks neighbors (kindly and tactfullly) to point their lighting downward and reduce sky pollution. The link is HERE.
SLO Code Enforcement
The Planning and Building Department Code Enforcement Section has extended its on-call availability for Weekends and Holidays to report vacation rental violations.
You can reach an Officer directly at (805) 723-2500 during these hours: Friday 5:00 pm until 9:00 pm, and Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 8:00 am until 8:00 pm.
For other code violations, or during business hours and weekday evenings, call (805) 788-2350. Suspected violations can also be reported anonymously online at https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/departments/planning-building.aspx
Access the form using the “Report a Suspected Code Violation” tab on the left side of the screen.
Important Local & County Contact Numbers
Ambulance Service and Crisis Intervention 1-805-927-8304
Animal Services (nuisances, adoptions) 1-805-781-4400
Building permits 1-805-781-5600
Caltrans Road Information 1-800-427-7623
Cambria Community Bus 1-805-927-4173
CCSD Customer Service 1-805-927-6223 – 24 hours
Central Coast Area Transit 1-805-781-4472
Code Enforcement (trees, noise, trash, abandoned cars, etc.) 1-805-781-5705
Crime Stoppers Hotline 1-805-549-7867
Dead deer on road 1-805-781-5252
Downed power lines 1-800-743-5000
Fire, emergency medical, ocean rescue, other accidents 911
Hotline of SLO County 1-(805/800) 783-0607
Marine Mammal Center (injured sea mammals, rescue line) 1-805-771-8300
Other animals on road 1-805-781-4400
Public Works Department (SLO County) 1-805-781-5252
Sheriff’s Department 1-805-781-4550 or 800-834-3346
Trash and recycling (Mission Country) 1-805-927-4995 or 1-805-528-7430
Trolley 1-805-927-0468
Water/Sewer Problems and Waste problems CCSD Customer Service 1-805-927-6223 – 24 hours
Wild animals doing damage to property: one can get in touch with California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 1-555-243-4005, mailto: reg4sec@wildlife.ca.gov for a “depredation permit” . Alternatively, for a more humane approach, call Pacific Wildlife Care @ 805-543-9453 to discuss free humane exclusion advice as an alternative. They have experts that can provide help. It is always preferable to extermination.
Key Links
California Coastal Commission -- Document with links to CCC activities -- LINK
SLO County Supplemental Links
SLOCOG RTP (Regional Transportation Plan) and EIR (Environmental Impact Report)
Big Sur Highway 1 Sustainable Transportation Demand Management Plan
SLO County Building & Planning Websites
SLO Home — https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/
Planning & Building – Minor Use Permits — https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Planning-Building/How-to-Apply-for-a-Permit-in-Unincorporated-SLO-Co/Land-Use-Zoning/Land-Use-Permits/Apply-for-a-Land-Use-Permit/Minor-Use-Permit.aspx
Building & Construction, Unincorporated Areas — https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Planning-Building/How-to-Apply-for-a-Permit-in-Unincorporated-SLO-Co/Building-Construction.aspx
Permit Info, by address (don’t use “exact phrase”) — https://energov.sloplanning.org/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService#/search
Building Codes — https://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Departments/Planning-Building/Grid-Items/Codes-and-Ordinances.aspx