Harmony, Cambria, San Simeon, Ragged Point
Recent Activities and Meetings
The last NCAC monthly meeting was on Wednesday, 17 July 2024, at 6PM, via Zoom. YouTube link with meeting video is HERE. Agenda for the meeting is on the "Agendas" page. Draft minutes of the meeting are on the "Minutes of Meetings" page.
Law Enforcement (Sheriff) plus CCSD management provided an update on the Fireworks issue (illegal ones), racing cars (along Main St) and vandalism, all of which are increasing in the community. Law enforcement, working with local school officials, volunteer graffiti removal teams and citizen reporting, have been working on these problems with some success
Fire Chief Burkey and General Manager McElhenie provided an update on CCSD’s Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program, including progress on weed abatement, especially focusing on the improved situation from previous years.
Blake Fixler (legislative assistant to Supervisor Gibson) provided info on SB 43 and CARE Court discussion. The Board of Supervisors heard a presentation at their July 9th meeting, link here and presentation. Link to the presentation is provided HERE.
Status of the 343 Harvey St. House – How many permit extensions will be allowed? Ana Luvera (liaison between NCAC and County Planning) indicated that the owner of the property is working on the current permit (with multiple extensions), and will be completed by end of this year.
The NCAC Land Use Committee discussed current referrals. The LUC report is available at this LINK.
Lampton Park restoration project – this has recently been identified as an “Adopt a Park” project. Suzanne Fiedler presented an overview of the project, which she took on several months ago, with little chance of success. Now -- "Voila" -- the project is underway with county approval.
NCAC voted on one new position: Christina Galloway as NCAC Vice Chair
Status of San Simeon CSD (based on county documents and local news reports). SSCSD and Dissolution process are best presented and formally documented at the San Luis Obispo LAFCO website https://slo.lafco.ca.gov/. LAFCO is an independent agency, not a department within the County.
The June 2024 monthly meeting was on Wednesday 19 June, 2024. YouTube video of the meeting is at this LINK. Meeting agenda is on the "Meeting Agendas" page. Minutes of the meeting are on the "Minutes of Meetings" page.
Welcome the new SLO county liaison to the NCAC, Ms. Ana Luvera
From minutes of the May 2024 meeting, On the recent dog bite issue --Supervisor Gibson took an action to discuss the dog’s prior history of attacks with Animal Services. We’ll ask Supervisor Gibson to discuss any results from these meetings, and anything concerned residents can do in these cases.
The abandoned house at 343 Harvey – Supervisor Gibson offered assistance to CCSD General Manager McElhennie and Fire Chief Burkey in monitoring the property for fire and safety conditions.
Fire Chief Burkey and General Manager McElhennie provided an update on CCSD’s Fire Hazard Fuel Reduction Program, including progress on weed abatement.
The NCAC Land Use Committee will provide a discussion on the Planning Commission Hearing on the Brambles permit. There were no new referrals during the month, to cover.
The May 2024 NCAC monthly meeting was on Wednesday 15 May 2024. YouTube video of the meeting is HERE. Discussion of the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) by CCSD is just after the meeting break (about halfway through the video).
Agenda items included:
1. Supervisor Gibson discussed the county's position on the recent (Cambria Park Hill) dog attack. Additionally, the victim of the attack (who was badly injured, and his dog was killed) gave his position, along with a few items for public safety that the county might consider
2. Supervisor Gibson also discussed the abandoned house at 343 Harvey – Again, the county position is that the house is not “abandoned” although it has not been lived in for several years, and is clearly not habitable. As NCAC pointed out, the "fence" allows almost anyone/anything to get into the house.
3. Referrals from the county, for the Land Use Committee. 3 are on State Park property, 2 on private property. Referral links and Zoom link to the LUC meeting will be on the NCAC Land Use Page.
Agenda Items for NCAC’s April 2024 monthly meeting (Wednesday 17 April 2024) -- Link to the YouTube video is HERE. Draft minutes are available on the "Minutes of Meetings" page.
Pedestrian and Transportation Needs in Cambria – based on CCSD PROS committee of CCSD.
Link to PROS Commission list -- LINK
Attachment – Paving Cambria East Ranch Access road – LINK
Attachment – 4 Intersections at Highway 1 – LINK
Attachment – Santa Rosa Creek/Hwy 1 crossing – LINK
LINK to the county’s interactive map system for transportation needs
SLOCOG presented their proposed investment plan (to be voted upon by the electorate) – link to the presentation is HERE.
We discussed the recent (March 9) dog attack incident on Park Hill, in which a small dog was killed and the victim dog's owner lost part of a finger. NCAC has gotten involved to the extent of making sure that county animal control follows up properly to ensure public safety. NCAC has not yet gotten a reply from email sent to the County Supervisor and head of Animal Services about the availability of proven indicators of previous bite incidents by the same animal. A link to a paper (written by the victim) indicating date and time of previous attacks is HERE.
The Cambria Community Services District (CCSD) was considering incorporation (becoming a city). In order to fully understand the pros and cons of this, there are some file links to look at:
The SLO planning commission met on Thursday, 22 February at 9AM. At a recent NCAC meeting, the council voted on a series of recommendations regarding the Camria Christmas market to the Planning Commission. These included:
Limiting permit duration to 10 years
Relocate the free shuttle pick up location on Main Street to a location off Main Street
Offering complimentary Cambria resident passes
Removing the 6 additional days between Christmas and New Years
These were not included in the final recommendation of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission commented that they hadn’t received many comments about the Christmas Market from Cambria, so didn’t see a “ground swell” of opposition to the market. At the Commission meeting, there were members of the NCAC Land Use Committee, plus two other local residents.
The February 2024 NCAC monthly meeting was on Wednesday, 21 February 2024, via Zoom. Agenda for the meeting is on "Meeting Agenda" page. Video of the meeting is available via YouTube at this LINK. Draft minutes of the meeting are on the "Minutes of Meetings" page. Below are some items discussed at the meeting:
The county Board of Supervisors is investigating an Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) for SLO county. While the initial BOS meeting on this has passed, residents are still able to pass comments on the IRC to the BOS. Links on the website provide for comments to the BOS.
SLOCOG and SLO county Public Works have both expressed concern about Cambria roadways and the increasing number of deer strikes in the area. The issue of deer strikes along Hwy 1 in Cambria is being raised by community members who are advocating the Transportation and Wildlife resources community for a timely solution. Here is the SLOCOG 5 year investment plan, which will be voted upon within the county. LINK
AT&T is requesting the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to allow AT&T to do the following:
Application 23-03-002: regarding the application of AT&T California to Withdraw its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation
Application 23-03-003: regarding the application of AT&T California for Relief from its Carrier of Last Resort Obligation
Instructions on the NCAC website provide info on presenting comments to the California Public Utilities Commission
Supervisor Gibson indicated that, as this is a California Public Utilities Commission responsibility, his office has no direct involvement.
- Several people have indicated, over the past months, an interest in NCAC’s newsletter. In fact, we have a page where people can subscribe to the newsletter, and to any of four specific areas of interest. Unfortunately, because of a lack of people-power, we’ve been unable to get this newsletter going. In fact, we’re removing the page from our website. As you may know, we’re currently suffering from a lack of volunteers for various positions. So, we are doing, or continuing to do, the following:
Maintain our website (https://www.ncacslo.org/ ) so that we are up-to-date on meetings, activities related to NCAC, and issues related to the community – wind farms, Cambria incorporation, skate park, etc. We continue to do that, and welcome input from the community on issues, whether for agendizing at future meetings, or “spreading the word”.
Continue our email information outreach – we send out several emails each month (using bcc sends, so we don’t publish every address to every addressee) on upcoming meetings, presentations, videos, etc.
Continue our social media outreach – Our Outreach committee chairperson, Karen Chrisman keeps NextDoor, Facebook and the other social media sites up to date on our activities.
Articles in CambriaCA.org. We generally try to have an article in as many of these twice-monthly online newspapers as possible.
Issues related to Land Use (Minor use Permits, etc.) are included in the regular Land Use Committee report
Our monthly meeting agenda (PDF) contains links to reports submitted by various agencies (Public Works, Planning, Sheriff, etc.)
We welcome involvement in NCAC – whether as a delegate, alternate, or committee member (Land Use, Traffic/Transportation, Outreach).
So, all of the people who subscribed to the newsletter have been added to our email list (if they weren’t on it before). Hopefully, that will keep you up to date.
NCAC is planning an increase in our outreach activities to our Hispanic community, in the form of Spanish language presentations at various venues, furtherance of our work on housing availability (including home-sharing), transportation improvements, and interface with local churches and support agencies. Ms. Lourdes Nilon, our Hispanic Outreach committee chair, will host the discussion.
Recent Community-related Items
- Link to Beautify Cambria’s current and planned activities around Cambria — Median, Spaghetti Bowl, Tin City entrance
- See the Tribune or CambriaCA.org articles on the California Coastal Commission’s “Notice of Violation” regarding Cambria building permits and “Intent to Serve” letters.
- Farmers and ranchers (and increasingly, residential homeowners) are facing not only serious shortages of water, but also blanket cancellations of fire insurance. NCAC had a speaker on this subject at June’s meeting. Chris Raders, with Ted Hamm Insurance in Paso Robles, is an expert in the issues surrounding fire insurance, for Ag, business and residential properties. He’s an excellent resource for anyone concerned about fire insurance, and is available at (805) 238-1818