Harmony, Cambria, San Simeon, Ragged Point
Recent Activities and Meetings
The October NCAC monthly meeting was on Wednesday 16 October 2024, via Zoom. The Video of the meeting is now available on YouTube at this LINK. Minutes of the meeting will be published on the "Minutes" page when available. Two major presentations were provided during the meeting:
1. Michael Thomas, CCSD director, described the current plans for the Community Park on the East Fiscalini Ranch (adjacent to the current dog park).
East Ranch Park Plans – Presentation LINK – Map of project LINK
Feedback form for community input on park plans -- LINK​
2. Devon Jackson from the California Coastal Commission discussed the CCC -- it's background, purpose, current activities (especially as related to Cambria's unique situation, and community involvement. A document with extensive CCC links is available at this LINK.​
The September meeting of the NCAC was held on Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 6PM, via Zoom. Minutes for the meeting will be on the "Minutes of Meetings" page as available. YouTube video of the meeting is available at this LINK. Agenda for the meeting is below:
Roll Call -- Establishment of Quorum
Consent Agenda
Minutes -- LINK
Treasurer -- LINK
Public/Council Comment.-- Limited to items NOT on the agenda. 3 min per person, one turn per person, maximum 20 minutes total.
County and Local Agency Reports
County Supervisor (Bruce Gibson, Blake Fixler)
Plans for a community discussion (Morro Bay and Cambria) on the proposed Wind Farm project
Law Enforcement (Sheriff and CHP) – Statistics LINK
Service District Activities -- LINK
CCSD Fire Chief report
Cambria Fire Safe Focus Group -- LINK
NCAC Land Use Committee (status of previous referrals)
Safety/Security re Christmas Market
Results of Brambles Plans Public Hearing
Land Use Committee – What do we do and when (from referrals, resident input, etc.)? Why is it important to the community?
Planning Interface (Ana Luvera)
Guest Presentation
Lighthouse Century presentation – Mary Ann Gustafson
Reports from Standing Committees and Special Interest Representatives
Hispanic Committee Report
Agriculture Report
Outreach Committee -- Oral
Environmental Report
Business Report
Traffic/Transportation Report
Correspondence Report
New Business
The August 2024 meeting of the NCAC was held on Wednesday, 21 August 2024, via Zoom. YouTube video of the meeting is available HERE. Minutes of the meeting will be placed on the "minutes" page as available.
Note that some recent links have been added (below these sections). Also, we've provided links to allow interested parties to comment on the proposed Morro Bay Windfarm project.
The county Board of Supervisors is investigating a Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) for SLO county. While the initial BOS meeting on this has passed, residents are still able to pass comments on the IRC to the BOS. You can send a message for all Board members at: boardofsups@co.slo.ca.us (be sure to put IRC in the subject line). ​
The SLO county supervisors recently completed a survey of Community Area Councils (of which NCAC is one of 11, for the unincorporated areas of the county). At their meeting on 5 December, the BOS voted to accept the revised rules for CACs, with an invitation to the community to "weigh in" with comments. The BOS will then review the handbook in the next year, and update as necessary. Links to the various documents are below:
Survey results -- HERE​
Revised CAC Handbook -- HERE
Summaries of recent meetings and other activities may be found on the "Recent Activities" page, while meeting minutes may be found on the "Minutes of Meetings" page.
- Several people have indicated, over the past months, an interest in NCAC’s newsletter. In fact, we have a page where people can subscribe to the newsletter, and to any of four specific areas of interest. Unfortunately, because of a lack of people-power, we’ve been unable to get this newsletter going. In fact, we’re removing the page from our website. As you may know, we’re currently suffering from a lack of volunteers for various positions. So, we are doing, or continuing to do, the following:
Maintain our website (https://www.ncacslo.org/ ) so that we are up-to-date on meetings, activities related to NCAC, and issues related to the community – wind farms, Cambria incorporation, skate park, etc. We continue to do that, and welcome input from the community on issues, whether for agendizing at future meetings, or “spreading the word”.
Continue our email information outreach – we send out several emails each month (using bcc sends, so we don’t publish every address to every addressee) on upcoming meetings, presentations, videos, etc.
Continue our social media outreach – Our Outreach committee chairperson, Karen Chrisman keeps NextDoor, Facebook and the other social media sites up to date on our activities.
Articles in CambriaCA.org. We generally try to have an article in as many of these twice-monthly online newspapers as possible.
Issues related to Land Use (Minor use Permits, etc.) are included in the regular Land Use Committee report
Our monthly meeting agenda (PDF) contains links to reports submitted by various agencies (Public Works, Planning, Sheriff, etc.)
We welcome involvement in NCAC – whether as a delegate, alternate, or committee member (Land Use, Traffic/Transportation, Outreach).
So, all of the people who subscribed to the newsletter have been added to our email list (if they weren’t on it before). Hopefully, that will keep you up to date.
NCAC is planning an increase in our outreach activities to our Hispanic community, in the form of Spanish language presentations at various venues, furtherance of our work on housing availability (including home-sharing), transportation improvements, and interface with local churches and support agencies. Ms. Lourdes Nilon, our Hispanic Outreach committee chair, will host the discussion.
Recent Community-related Items
- Link to Beautify Cambria’s current and planned activities around Cambria — Median, Spaghetti Bowl, Tin City entrance
- See the Tribune or CambriaCA.org articles on the California Coastal Commission’s “Notice of Violation” regarding Cambria building permits and “Intent to Serve” letters.
- Farmers and ranchers (and increasingly, residential homeowners) are facing not only serious shortages of water, but also blanket cancellations of fire insurance. NCAC had a speaker on this subject at June’s meeting. Chris Raders, with Ted Hamm Insurance in Paso Robles, is an expert in the issues surrounding fire insurance, for Ag, business and residential properties. He’s an excellent resource for anyone concerned about fire insurance, and is available at (805) 238-1818