Harmony, Cambria, San Simeon, Ragged Point
Presentations, discussions and videos from NCAC Meetings​
- At the October 2024 meeting, Michael Thomas of CCSD provided a presentation describing plans for the Cambria Community Park, located on the East Fiscalini Ranch (near the existing dog park). Presentation LINK – Map of project LINK. Also (perhaps most importantly), a feedback form for community input on park plans -- LINK
- Also, at the October 2024 meeting, Devon Jackson of the California Coastal Commission provided a presentation outlining the background, objectives and current status (especially as it relates to Cambria) of the CCC. A document with number of links to CCC sites is available on our Presentations page.
- At the January 2024 NCAC meeting, Mandy Davis of the REACT (Responsible Energy Adaptation for California's Transition) Alliance made 3 presentations:
- Amanda Davis and Sheri Hafer from REACT provided an alternative view to the Central Coast Wind Project. Link to the REACT presentation on Wind Farms is HERE. Additional links have been added, to allow residents to comment on the Morro Bay Windfarm project.
- California Coastal Commission review of MBWEA -- HERE​
- California Offshore Wind Fact Sheet from the CA Energy Commission -- HERE​
- The Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/chumash-heritage/
Here's a link to the 5 boundary proposals: https://nmssanctuaries.blob.core.windows.net/sanctuaries-prod/media/chumash/2023-chnms-boundary-alternative-maps.pdf
Here are links to the designation process:
During the October 2023 NCAC meeting, we had a discussion on the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. Here are some of the links. Note that we are in a public comment period, so that it's important to get residents' comments into the sanctuary boundary process​
NOAA Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary info page with links to draft documents and federal comment options - https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/chumash-heritage/
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management –
Homepage - https://www.boem.gov/
Public Input - https://www.boem.gov/public-engagement -
California Energy Commission –
Homepage - https://www.energy.ca.gov/
Public Input - https://www.energy.ca.gov/proceedings/business-meetings
(There is a sign-on to receive information about meeting agendas and relevant materials) -
For information about the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary designation campaign – Chumashsanctuary.org
National Renewable Energy Laboratory – to find information, research, data about renewable energy
Search - https://www.nrel.gov/research/data-tools.html -
Proposal to remove invasive species and cleanup Lampton Bluffs County Park in Cambria. From the 21 June NCAC meeting.
Updated Cambria Evacuation Plan, Presented at the October 19th NCAC meeting. Click Here for the link to the plan.
Wildfire Preparedness and Safety, at the September NCAC meeting. The following are presentations and related files. Click on the links below:
Homeless Count and Survey Report, 2022 (link to”Point in Time” report) — Provided by SLO County. Summary of report may be viewed here
SmartShare Housing Solutions, presented at the 20July meeting by Anne Wyatt, Executive Director. Link to presentation — Note that there will be a community forum on August 4th (3:30PM, Moonstone Cellars, 812 Cornwall, Cambria). Free to attend for all.
Beautify Cambria Presentation — 20 July 2022 — Link to presentation on current and planned beautification, cleanup and planting activities
Beautify Cambria Presentation — 20 April 2022 — Links below
“Good Neighbor” lighting letter is a positive, supportive way to indicate to neighbors why they need to reduce their outdoor lighting and/or point them downwards
Video presentation: Michele Roest, Community Liaison with the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA (source: 5/19/21 Council Meeting)
Caltrans Active Transportation Plan D5_v5 (public review draft)
Here are the latest links to NOAA's Proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary: